TheClickers is a pay to click site that was started in December of 2007. It currently has 62,265 members and is growing everyday. It is listed as one of the fastest paying pay to click sites in existence. Being Paypal certified shows that they do pay on time and do have an excellent reputation.
This site is completely free to join, and members can expect to make up to 1 cent for each ad they click, while paid to read ads pay between .05 and 1 cent. Free members earn 30% commission on their referrals and referrals can be purchased for a minimum of 30 cents each. Each referral can be observed for 7 days to see if they are actually working the program, and if not they can be exchanged.
Upgraded members of course make better money and gain greater benefits. There are 8 different upgrade packages, each offering different options. The cheapest upgrade (when calculated according to the length of the upgrade) is $10 for one year. This upgrade gives you 50% of your downlines earnings. The largest package is the Omega For Life Package. This costs $100 for a lifetime membership, but you will receive 100% of your downlines earnings, 10% of your referrals purchases, and 10% of your referrals upgrades. Of course, all the packages also contain some advertising credits so that you can get your programs into rotation.
Payouts are done via Alertpay and Paypal, a minimum of $5.50 is required before a request can be made. Payments are usually done within hours, and always within 24 hours. After members receive their first payment, they are required to post proof of their payment in the forum or they will not be allowed to make another payment request. A little high handed to hold your next payment hostage, but it does get the proof of payments into the public eye. TheClickers does have a good reputation regarding paying their members. In addition to the forum, there is also a chat room for members. It is a good place for everyone to get together, and all the members seem to enjoy using it.
TheClickers is one of the better pay to click sites out there. They have proven themselves to be trustworthy, and their members are very loyal and enjoy using the site. Their customer service is ranked very highly and problems are taken care of quickly. The only real complaint is that the members do not like being forced to post a proof of payment, but this is a minor concern and most of the members take it in stride.
The Whois information for a website lists the owner and their contact information. The Whois information for "" is public which is generally a good thing. This indicates the owner of this site has nothing to hide.
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