Twitter allows you an enormous marketing base that you can network with. This is perhaps the most substantial benefit of marketing through Twitter. Twitter proves to be an enormously potent Internet vehicle for enabling you to reach out to various other intelligent people whom are both capable and well set up.
Networking with other people will help you introduce exciting new ideas and concepts to your business, as well as opening up the possibility of mutual partnerships and projects. Twitter helps with these new affiliations, while at the same time aiding you in maintaining your old relationships.
It's not only beneficial to a business but even if you have a hobby site or any personal blog that you want to drive target to, use Twitter by all means. While Twitter is a social marketing tool, you should not confuse the methods behind it with networking marketing or multi-level marketing, as this is a very unique way to find people with a common interest or goal, especially when compared to other methods of marketing.
In other words, you are not simply creating a long time relationship but further advertising your company through mutual understanding and trust.