Minggu, 08 Februari 2009

Sugeng Pribadi

Make Money Through Blogwalking Community

My friend who is a professional blogger with earning more than US$1500/month from internet marketing, said that blogwalking is wasting time and useless. Yeah, I can understand if he said so, because all his time is he use to optimizing and managing his websites and blogs, writes articles, and chatting with his friend or clients

But I said in contrary with him about blogwalking. There are many advantages of blogwalking, at least two advantages I pick from blogwalking, and maybe you have more than two things. Firstly, blogwalking increases our knowledge about everything. 

For instance, if you blagwalking to a blog about world news, so your information about what happening world wide will be updated. Lately I’d like blogwalking to a blog with tips and tricks on blog monetizing. By blogwalking, I’ve learnt a little about Google Adsense, TLA, Adbrite, Paid Review, PTC/PTR, and Affiliate Program. Thanks to them who share their knowledge about those.

Secondly, blogwalking can generates traffic to blog. How come?Well, it’s actually an indirectly effect of blogwalking, and not proved yet, I just conclude it by my self. When I blo walking in an interesting blog, I usually leave a comment. If my comment is contented, it can be assure that the publisher/blog owner will visits back to my blog. 

Besides, other blogger who also blogwalking to the blog and read my comment, also has possibility to continue the blogwalking to my blog, like what I do sometimes. I wrote based on my own experience, that I usually will visiting the blogger who left the impress comment.

Don't forget to click some ads in blog you've visited then make a footstep in shoutbox. You will get visit back from blogwalking community and they usually click your ads provided in your blog.

Make a free blog here :

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Make a shoutbox message

You can start to be blogwalking by visiting my blog below and left the impress message in shoutbox.

Let’s go blogwalking!

Sugeng Pribadi

About Sugeng Pribadi -

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